Contact Information

Office Phone: (206) 632-2154
For after hours urgent phone calls, please call the main office number and select an option from the phone menu.

Ballard Natural Medicine Fax: (206) 432-9509
Dr. Amy Wells ND Fax: (866) 533-0039



5470 Shilshole Ave NW
Suite 300
Seattle WA, 98107

Office Hours:
Monday through Friday: 9AM to 5PM
Closed for lunch from 1PM to 2 PM
Saturday and Sunday: Office closed

After Hours Urgent Contact:
If you are an established patient with an urgent concern that cannot wait until the next day you can call the main office number at (206) 632-2154 and select the urgent call option from the menu.  Please note there is a $75 charge for after hours calls and this fee is not covered by insurance. If you have an emergency please call 911.

Finding Us:
The office is located on the third floor of the Shilshole West building, a controlled access building. The door code is provided in your text and email appointment reminders.
The building is on the north side of Shilshole and has a parking lot on the ground floor.  There are three reserved parking spots on the right hand side as you enter the parking lot which are labeled ‘Ballard Natural Medicine’. There is also street parking on Shilshole. The street parking is BACK IN ONLY.  The city WILL ticket you if you park forwards on Shilshole.   

METRO Buses 17, 18, 29, 40 and 44 stop at Market St & Ballard Ave, the closest stop to the office.